Almost everyday, sometimes twice a day, morning before class and afternoon after class, I dropped by at mamak stall to have some treats. Usually in the morning I ordered roti chanai with curry soup or roti boom with curry soup. For those who don't know roti chanai, just imagine martabak without its filling, only its wrap. Roti boom is a modified roti chanai, added with sugar and extra margarine which make it more tastier, greasier. And in the afternoon I ordered plain rice or sometimes briyani rice with honey chicken. Briyani rice is basmati rice (long grains, not sticky, unlike indonesian rice that has very short grains and stickier) cooked in lamb stock. I heard that it is also cooked with yoghurt.
Curry, greasy and oily are common knowledge of so many Indonesian people for indian cuisine. Although indian food is not as familiar in Indonesia as it is in Malaysia, but it highly affected local cuisine such as minang and acehnese food that use high proportion of coconut milk and curry. Unfortunately, there is no mamak food in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta. There are quit number of indian restaurants, but they are usually exclusive and quite expensive, unlike mamak food which can be found at every corner of KL town and very affordable to most people.
There is a very very nice lady who is my next door neighbor. She is an arab descent who loves to cook. Almost every weekend she delivers her extra food to our house. Sometimes regular local food, sometimes her ancestor food, yes, arab food. I also like arab food and it reminds me of times when having mamak food in KL, since they are very similar in cooking style. There were several times she sent kebuli rice (similar like briyani, only greasier) with lamb chop in a quite large portion. This just gave me the idea to hunt arab cuisine in Jakarta. Yup, pretending to be Bondan Winarno, a culinary expert, I already have a target restaurant to visit, so just wait for my next posting. :)
Picture: dailymuscle
couple of days ago, i watched this malaysian channel (lupa channel apa), about a place in malaysia (lupa nama tempatnya apa), that is famous with varieties of foods for breaking fast. there is this one kind of food, if im not mistaken it's called "nasi merah".. and it seems quite delicious. spicy, with red sauce and meats.. yum yum.
apparently we have the same interest of food ya, maybe one day kite bisa ber-cullinary wisata together.. hehehe, and next time, u'd better pay the food for me, dong... ;P
i didnt know we have the same taste.. no wonder u got chubb-chubb, hehe. sip deh gw yg bayar, atur ajah! :)
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